
Retail Stores

Taichung, Taiwan


Online Store: iSwim.tw (permanent url)

Penang, Malaysia

Malaysia Liaison Office

諳:中文, 日文、英文、馬來文

Proficient: Chinese, Japanese, English, Malay

Facebook: iSwimMalaysia

Twitter: iSwimMalaysia

Hong Kong

為了加速出貨速度,我們暫時離開了香港的百貨公司,歡迎您在 iSwim.tw 線上直接訂購,香港地區可以選用順豐智能櫃取件(寄送方式請選SF-Express,在收件資料填寫智能櫃點碼及地址,或於訂單內備註)

In order to speed up the shipment, we have temporarily left the department store in Hong Kong. You are welcome to order directly online: iSwim.tw. You can use SF Express to pick up the items in Hong Kong (Please select SF-Express for the delivery method, and add one address contain the smart cabinet/address into your address book, or fill the smart cabinet code and its address in the REMARKS field of the order)